In the fall of 2014, I needed a new challenge. Years of working under the stress of corporate media deadlines had worn me down and wrung me out. I had a serious case of burnout, which had put a chokehold on my personal creativity. I longed to work on a creative project with good-hearted, talented people who wanted to share a positive message and make a difference in the world. I ached for a project that would give me just enough of a deadline to inspire me to get going again, feel re-energized, and wake up the creative spark within that I felt was waning. It was about that time that I learned from my soul sister, Dr. Jerri Eddington, of a new spiritual book series that would be launching the following year. What she told me about the project piqued my interest and intrigued me just enough to make me want to give it a shot.
The 365 Book Series was the brain child of Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck, a husband-and-wife writing and publishing team who were also "done" with the corporate rat race and eager to build their own publishing business by establishing a positive, inspiring and successful business model. Their first book, 365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul, would feature the work of a group of like-minded people who would write daily submissions on a specified theme. It sounded like a simple concept but, believe me, wrangling over 250 writers who were creating 365 submissions on deadline for a book project is no small task. However, Jodi and Dan had a vision, and they were up for the challenge.
I signed on for what I thought might be a one-book project and it turned into an Amazon #1 Internationally Best-Selling series. Wow! Who knew how much fun we would have and how much we would learn about successful publishing by working in sync as an integrated team with a shared goal! It's basically a model for “oneness” in action. As with any new project, there were challenges along the way--learning curves and ego bumps in the road, but the overall outcome brought fabulous results that most of us hadn't even imagined.
Fast forward to November 14, 2017--the fourth book in this astoundingly successful series is set to launch. The timing couldn't be more perfect. In a world that is rife with sadness due to uncontrolled violence, frightening daily news stories and a tempestuous political climate, it's definitely time for some good news!
Once again, the publishers’ vision was right on the money. They believed that amidst all this negativity and divisiveness there is still a light-filled and loving universe. The writing team was charged to go out and look for the goodness. In the words of Jodi and Dan, "We know that it's still there! We know that the world is filled with light. We know that kind, loving people are everywhere. We know that GOODNESS ABOUNDS!”
Goodness Abounds: 365 True Stories of Loving Kindness bears witness to the myriad examples of the goodness that surrounds us all. This book includes 365 true stories (from over 275 contributing authors) of people expressing love, goodness, and kindness. The experiences range from huge expressions of lifelong love (such as caring for a child or aging parent with severe challenges) to small acts of kindness (such as complimenting a stranger)–all sharing one thing in common: they add to an ever-growing mountain of evidence that goodness abounds!
The publishers and the writing team share the hope that those who pick up this book can flip to any page and find a true-life story that will provide inspiration, upliftment, and encouragement to reflect upon the kindness they’ve experienced in their own lives…and to be on the lookout for more!
I hope you will go to, buy a copy of Goodness Abounds: 365 True Stories of Loving Kindness, and spend some time reading, smiling and reprogramming yourself to look for the good in your everyday life.

Oh, and be sure to look for my story about an exuberant little puppy by the name of Archie Bacon, who magically appeared in God’s perfect timing and brings joy to my family every day of our lives!