LIGHT ON LIFE is a positive virtual sacred space which honors and embraces the reality that we are all sparks of the Divine — As children of our Creator we generate light from the very core of our being. We only have to feel, know and understand this Truth in order to demonstrate the Truth, reflecting all the qualities that are inherent in our nature.
As a life-long student of metaphysics, I am on an experiential quest to envision, celebrate and share the immense Love, Joy, Peace and Gratitude I feel for this beautiful planet Earth on which we live, and for our place in an ever-expanding Universe. It is my belief that by honoring our connection with the Creator of All That Is, and with each other, we can consciously call in the Light of understanding and tap into the all-encompasing Grace that is waiting there for us. By taking this life-affirming action it is possible to literally chase away any darkness that may seem to be present when we imagine, even for one moment, that we are alone. I am convinced that anyone can emerge from what seems to be a sad, lonely and isolated existence with an effulgence of Light and Joy, just as if a light switch had been turned on in a darkened room.
I invite you to join me in sharing revelations and musings from spiritual study, travels, music and art — all sacred tools that can open the heart, increase our individual and collective vibrations and heighten spiritual understanding leading to enlightenment.
Let us come together in this sacred space and celebrate the Love, Light and Life that are present in all of us.
Love, Light, Peace & Joy,
Donna S. Priesmeyer
Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness . . .
Genesis 1: 3, 4
Photo Credit: Central Sun by Ted Brooks