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Living the Light - Joy

Many years ago, during an exceptionally difficult time in my life, I talked with one of my spiritual teachers to seek guidance and try to make sense of everything I was experiencing. I had lost my home, my marriage, my two stepsons, whom I had helped raise and loved dearly, and soon after, my job. It was a dark night of the soul period for me. After patiently listening to my litany of woes, my wise teacher gently said, “Honey, don’t let anyone steal your joy. Joy is your birthright, so embrace it.” At the time, I was so far down the rabbit hole of depression that I couldn’t even relate to the concept of joy, but I didn’t forget her words.

I spent some time with my sister during the holidays that year so I wouldn’t be alone. It snowed on Christmas Eve, and I remember feeling in awe as I looked out the windows of her condo to see the big sparkling flakes falling outside as we sat in the floor and wrapped presents. It was a magical scene and in the glow of the sunset, the snowflakes shimmered and seemed to dance with glee. In the beauty and simplicity of the moment, I could feel my depression lifting and my joy began to return. Even now, when I’m feeling down, I can hear my teacher’s words ringing in my ears, and it helps me snap out of any tendency I might have to feel sorry for myself.

I’m the youngest of 6 siblings and several years ago, in an effort to carry on my Mother's tradition of having the whole family together for Christmas dinner, my husband of almost 25 years and I took over the holiday hosting duties. Our family always looks forward to our time together, but this year, and last, we celebrated the holiday in smaller groups. It was quite different, but one thing rang true for me. We still felt the love. We tried to make up for celebrating at a distance by sending Christmas cards with sweet messages, along with check-in texts, and phone calls to connect and share the spirit of the season. These experiences have taught us to be even more grateful for the simple pleasures of being together. In fact, I cherish my loved ones more than ever as I think of our joyful memories of all being together in years past.

Christmas 2021 is now in the rear-view mirror, and 2022 has burst on the scene with brand new possibilities. This is the time of year when it’s good to press the pause button, rest, relax, reflect, give thanks for all our blessings, and think about what we’ve learned. At the top of my gratitude list are all the people I love who form our circle of family and friends and those who have mentored and guided me through the years. When I think of these dear ones, some who are now living in other cities and states and some who are no longer with us here on earth, there‘s a sweet realization of what a blessed life this really has been. Especially as I get older, I’m aware of the fact that having a roof over our head, good food to eat, and being surrounded with loving family and friends, are truly the things that make us rich.

The last couple years have been a threat to steal our joy. We’ve experienced many changes and challenges, but focusing on what is good in our lives is a wonderful way to multiply our blessings and anchor in the love. It's a good time to take stock of our hopes and dreams for the future and set some goals for what we would like to experience in the year ahead. This is a ritual I use to embrace at the beginning of every year, but have recently let fall by the wayside. This year I plan to resume that ritual because I’m aware of the fact that our thoughts, dreams and hopes for the future can bring us a great deal of joy in the present. There’s nothing like the feeling of excitement about a great idea to create something new!

As we reflect on 2021, and begin the new year of 2022, let us remember to hold fast to our joy, embracing and embodying all that means in the present and envisioning our hopes and dreams for the future. And as we shine our lights with hope, faith, peace, love and joy, and practice "being the light we want to see in the world," the love we give will be the love that is reflected back to us in a myriad of ways.

"For you shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

Isaiah 55:12


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