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Living the Light - Hope & Faith

Advent is the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas which is observed in commemoration of the coming of the birth of Jesus. Advent means "arrival" or "coming" and this Christian tradition is symbolized by decorating with evergreen wreaths and the lighting of a series of candles representing hope, faith, peace, love, and joy. In essence, the Advent season is a celebration of the light of Christ Consciousness coming into a world of darkness.

This year has been especially challenging for many all over the world. We have experienced a constant barrage of news reminding us of the loss of life due to the global pandemic, the devastation of the environment and homes due to climate change, and the loss of jobs and careers that were once taken for granted. So much has changed in the last few years, from the simple pleasures of going out for a casual dinner with friends and family, to the opportunity to gather in larger groups for traditional celebrations and worship. How do we keep our faith strong and attitudes bright with the constant reminders of all that is not right with the world? Is it any wonder that this year many of us are especially looking forward to this holiday season? In our efforts to lift our spirits, the activities of putting up Christmas trees, shopping, preparing favorite foods, planning gatherings and honoring sacred traditions eclipse those of the past several years.

This is an excellent time to think about what we can do to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. By opening our hearts and taking time to enter into a morning devotional of prayer and meditation, we can be more receptive to divine guidance that will give us the direction we need to be of service in a world that desperately needs our light. It's amazing how "the still small voice" seems to speak more clearly when we give ourselves the gift of a time of silence in order to hear it. We may be inspired to take flowers to a lonely neighbor, buy groceries or offer to do chores for elderly friends and relatives, contribute to charities that support families in need or visit friends who are grieving the loss of loved ones. What a difference we can make in the lives of others, if we commit ourselves to being vessels for good in the world!

As we begin this holiday season, let us consider entering into our own personal quiet time and ask to be shown how we can bring the brilliant light of Christ Consciousness into the world. This is noble work and an ongoing task that those tuned in to the higher vibrations of hope, faith, peace, love, and joy must champion in order for us to see our world change for the better. In doing so, we can witness positive transformation, one person and one situation at a time. And while we are in this time of reflection, the symbolic acts of lighting candles, and using high-vibration essential oils like Frankincense, Myrrh and Rose while going within to deeply connect to higher consciousness can serve to help bring our spiritual focus into clearer view. These rituals are touchstones to embracing the truth of our oneness in sprit, reminding us of the higher ideals we seek to embody in the hope of creating better tomorrows. Moreover, by extending our intentions beyond the physical and entering into the fullness of Spirit, may we collectively embrace this season of light with hope and faith that these higher ideals will indeed be expressed in our lives, and reflected in the lives of our families, friends and communities, ultimately becoming a beacon of light that shines out to the world.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

Donna S. Priesmeyer


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